NJ AITC Lessons
Teach math and agriculture at the same time

If you find it difficult to squeeze lessons about agriculture into your busy schedule, then try teaching math at the same time! There are so many ways that math can be added to garden activities at all grade levels! Below are ideas and lessons that link agriculture and the school garden to math. Each lesson is linked to New Jersey Learning Standards for preschool through fifth grade. If you have questions about these lessons, please contact: njagliteracy@gmail.com.
Click on the lesson title to download the lesson.

Math in the Garden
There are so many ways to merge math with your gardening and agricultural activities.

Making A Garden Map
Students use math skills to plan the garden.

Discover An Acre
How big is an acre? Students find out in this lesson.

Seed Statistics
Use an egg carton and some seeds to teach ratios and percentages.

You Are the Ruler – Garden Measuring
Use hands and feet as nonstandard measuring tools in the garden.

Pumpkins in the Primary Classroom
So many ways to use a pumpkin to teach math and every subject.

How Many Seeds in a Pumpkin?
Students estimate the number of seeds inside a pumpkin.

Cranberry Graphing
Students learn about one of New Jersey's biggest crops.

The Christmas Farm
Solve math problems while learning how Christmas trees are grown.

Comparing Soil and Air Temperature
Students discover that the temperature of soil and air are not the same.

Vegetables Take Over the World
Students count seeds in vegetables such as sweet peppers and determine the number of seeds future plants could produce.

Seed Packet Math
Students map a garden plot using planting instructions on the back of seed packets.

The Cranberry Bounce Test
students will test for the bounciness of a group of cranberries, estimating, observing, and separating the cranberries, and using fractions to record results.

Make a Cranberry Catapult
students work in small groups to create a simple catapult, measure the distances their catapult can fling a cranberry, and graph and compare results.