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New Jersey Agriculture in the Classroom

NJ AITC Lessons

NJ Ag in a Box


New Jersey Agriculture in the Classroom (NJAITC) has created a program called NJ Ag in a Box. This initiative will provide teachers with materials to teach a lesson each season about New Jersey's specialty crops:squash/pumpkins in October; cranberries in December; spinach in February and tomatoes in April.

An NJ Ag in a Box will arrive at your school quarterly, filled with a lesson plan, a children's agriculture book to accompany the lesson, materials needed for the entire class to do an experiment or activity, and a set of 30 four-page “Ag Mags” to teach students more about agriculture.

Reach out to us at for information on how to get one!

Click on the lesson title to download the lesson.

From The Garden State To Your Plate
From The Garden State To Your Plate

Children's book about New Jersey agriculture.


Disappearing Pumpkins
Disappearing Pumpkins Grades 3-5

Use an old Jack O'Lantern for a decomposition experiment.

How Many Seeds in a Pumpkin?
How Many Seeds in a Pumpkin?

Children of every age love making Jack-O'-Lanterns.

Pumpkin Seed Packet Math
Pumpkin Seed Packet Math

Planting seeds begins with understanding the instructions on the seed packet.